Filmbiljett: 50kr
Festivalpass: 100kr
Snack: Gratis
Workshops: Gratis
Arbetarbaren Fredag + Lördag: Gratis
Filmbiljetter och festivalpass kan köpas på Panora under festivalen. Vi kan ta emot kontanter och Swish.
Ett festivalpass ger dig möjlighet att se alla filmer under festivalen. Dock ska biljetter till de olika filmvisningarna hämtas ut innan visningen. Detta för att vi ska veta hur många besökare vi kan släppa in.
Film Ticket: 50kr
Festival Pass: 100kr
Talks: Free
Workshops: Free
Worker’s bar Friday + Saturday: Free
Film tickets and festival passes can be purchased at Panora during the festival. You can pay in cash or via Swish.
A festival pass allows you to watch all of the movies during the entire festival. However, tickets for each individual film screening have to be collected before the show. This is so that we know how many people we can let in.